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Israel PM Netanyahu Commends the ISA,

作家相片: Israel CloudIsrael Cloud

PM Netanyahu Commends the ISA, IDF and Israel Police Special Anti-Terrorism Unit for Apprehending the Terrorists who Murdered Rina Shnerb

Rina Shnerb (17), a resident of Lod, was murdered when terrorists detonated an IED device near Dani's Spring, a popular tourist and recreation site situated near the West Bank settlement of Dolev where she was hiking.  Her father and elder brother who were with her were both seriously wounded.

Rina Shnerb (17) a resident of Lod, was murdered today (Friday, 23 August 2019) when terrorists detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) planted at a natural spring that is a popular tourist and recreational site located near the West Bank settlement of Dolev. Police sappers determined that the bomb had been planted earlier at the spring and was triggered remotely when the family approached it. Rina, her father and brother were on a hiking trip in the area.  Rina attended a religious high school for girls in Lod and was an instructor for the Bnei Akiva religious Zionist youth movement. Her father, Eytan (46), also wounded in the blast, is a rabbi and the father of 11 children. Rina's brother Dvir (19), who was with them on the hike and wounded as well, attends a religious school in the settlement of Eli in the West Bank. The Shnerb family runs a charity center that provides clothes and food to hundreds of impoverished families. Due to Eytan's charity work in Lod, he was chosen to light a torch at Israel's 63th Independence Day ceremony. Rina was laid to rest on Friday afternoon at the Lod cemetery in a ceremony attended by hundreds. She is survived by her parents and 10 siblings.  #IsraelNews #ISA #Netanyahu #WorldNews

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