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President Rivlin appealed to President Vladimir Putin of Russia regarding Naama Issachar

作家相片: Israel CloudIsrael Cloud

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Tuesday, 15 October 2019), sent an official request, on his behalf and that of President Reuven Rivlin, to Russian President Vladimir Putin, for a pardon for Naama Issachar and her return to Israel.

Israel President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin today, Sunday 13 October / 14 Tishrei, appealed to President Vladimir Putin of Russia regarding the case of Naama Issachar.

President Rivlin’s letter:

“Your Excellency,

As a friend of the Jewish People and of the State of Israel, I am writing to you concerning Naama Issachar.

Naama made a grave mistake and has admitted her crime, but in the case of a young woman with no criminal record, the severe sentence handed down will have a deeply destructive impact on her life.

The Jewish People and the State of Israel are grateful for your sensitivity to human life  and for your willingness to endanger the lives of your soldiers to locate and return the body of IDF soldier Zachary Baumel ז"ל.

Because of the particular and individual circumstances of Naama Issachar’s case, I am appealing to your mercy and compassion with a request for your personal intervention to grant her an extraordinary pardon.”



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