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The task of forming the government will be given to MK Benny Gantz tomorrow at Beit HaNasi

作家相片: Israel CloudIsrael Cloud

Director-General of Beit HaNasi Harel Tubi, this evening, Tuesday 22 October / 23 Tishrei, had conversations with all Knesset factions requesting their response to this morning’s question on their position regarding the candidate to whom the task of forming the government will be given.

After receiving the responses of the factions, according to which all remain committed to their original positions, the president decided to give the task to chairman of Kachol Lavan, MK Benny Gantz, tomorrow at 20:00.

After signing the letter of appointment, the president and chairman of Kachol Lavan MK Benny Gantz will give statements in the Hall of Beit HaNasi.

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